Two Good Eggs

Two cracked eggs find the sunnyside (and funny side) of trying to conceive

How Things Can Change in a Day

I’m overwhelmed and even hungrier for information and knowledge than usual. Yes, that is possible. Wednesday we received the results from DH’s semen analysis and unfortunately it wasn’t the best news. 

Sperm count was good. Motility was slightly low. And morphology was only 2%, meaning that only 2%  of his sperm are of normal shape and size. The Kruger standards are: greater than 14% is normal, 5-14% is considered “good prognosis,” and less than 4% is considered a “poor prognosis.” The diagnosis is severe teratozoospermia with a recommendation of a repeat SA, sperm washing and IUI, ideally in conjunction with superovulation induction or ICSI/IVF. 

Holy crap, that is a lot of information to take in so quickly! DH and I have done quite a bit of research with the help of a few friends and we’re feeling better than we did initially. It turns out that low morphology leading to male factor infertility is subjective, hotly debated, and values may fluctuate between samples. Therefore, low morphology is not necessarily a constant, nor is it the end of the world for a couple trying to conceive. Yes, we are concerned, but we are optimistic and will continue to be diligent with our research. Obviously, we’re going to be dropping a few bills on lab work, diagnostics, and perhaps treatment/medication. We hadn’t yet planned for a financial investment of this magnitude, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. 

I have yet to have a fertility work up myself, so a big question mark remains as to the health and efficiency of my reproductive system. I called yesterday to schedule a consult and evaluation and I’m waiting to hear back. Depending on what we discover, we may need IUI, or IVF/ICSI, or maybe not. It’s all up in the air at the moment. I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to give up frozen burritos, fast food, and cigar bars either way. Ugh! Those are my vices! 

While scrolling through the websites of local fertility clinics last night, I found a speaking seminar hosted by the same practice that conducted DH’s test. It will be held tonight two hours from our home, all of the doctors will be there, AND they are holding a raffle for a free round of IVF. Must be present to win. No problemo! I RSVPd within minutes 🙂 Talk about weird timing. What are the chances I’d find this talk at very last minute on the same day we –really– considered fertility treatment. Odd, I tell you!  It’ll be a late night, but this gives us a chance to learn about fertility treatment options, ask questions, and get a feel for the physicians. Wish us luck! 

Who knows what we will discover during the upcoming weeks and months, but I do know that I couldn’t ask for a better husband. He’s calm, confident, logical, and supportive. We will get through this together, regardless of a few circus freak sperm. It only takes one good one to get that egg!